¿Quieres impulsar tu CV? Te proporcionamos algunos adjetivos que capten la atención del reclutador, dándote la oportunidad de…¡resaltar como candidato!
As you may know, your CV is the most important tool when it comes to contacting with a potential employer and it’s –along with your Cover letter- your first chance to stand out as a candidate and to create a good first impression.
There is a simple way to catch an employer’s attention by including appropriate and positive adjectives to describe yourself and your work history. Including the right words -without exaggerating- can boost the message contained in your CV and Cover letter. The following adjectives are some suggestions that might work well on your CV and Cover letter:
Mature (maduro) |
Resourceful (ingenioso) |
Self-starter (con iniciativa) |
Hard-working (trabajador) |
Cooperative (cooperativo) |
Enterprising (con iniciativa) |
Committed (comprometido) |
Organized (organizado) |
Dependable (fiable) |
Enthusiastic (entusiasta) |
Skillful (diestro, hábil) |
Consistent (sistemático) |
Productive (productivo) |
Dynamic (dinámico) |
Disciplined (disciplinado) |
Conscientious (concienzudo) |
Confident (seguro de si mismo) |
Persistent (constante) |
Resolute (decidido) |
Attentive (atento) |
Dedicated (dedicado) |
Motivated (motivado) |
Trustworthy (digno de confianza) |
Energetic (enérgico) |
Professional (profesional) |
Reliable (responsable) |
Determined (decidido) |
Diligent (diligente, cumplidor) |
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